Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dry Bones On Jim Baker: 2006 and 1992

Another Dry Bones Then And Now:
Baker Explains (2006)

Commentary from Yaakov Kirschen (aka "Bones"):

How does Baker's "Iraq Study Group" report sound to reformers in the region?
MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute) has provided a translation of "The Poisonous Report", an editorial that was posted on the Arabic reformist website on December 8, 2006.

"the transition to what the Group referred to as 'The Political and Diplomatic Combat,' which aims at involving Iran and Iraq in the determination of Iraq's destiny, would require a price which the U.S. will have to pay.
Here lies the essence of this whole report. The price is to completely abandon the spreading of democracy in the Middle East, and to begin a dialogue with the dictatorial regimes of Damascus and Tehran."
-For more, please go to the Dry Bones Blog.

Bush and Baker (1992)

Kirschen kvetches:

This cartoon is from February 2, 1992.
Frankly I'm getting tired of pointing out how these "golden oldies" are as appropriate today as they were back then!!
James Baker is one of the architects of today's Middle East mess. Now, close to 15 years later, Baker is back. As is Jimmy Carter. Trying to sell us their same old tired, failed ideas about appeasing Arab dictators and pressuring the area's only democracy.


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