Monday, December 11, 2006

Rick Santorum, in Farewell Senate Speech, Warns America of the Gathering Storm

In his farewell speech on the Senate floor, on Wednesday, December 6, 2006, Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA)explained why he had voted against confirmation of the nomination of Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense. In an address that he entitled "The Gathering Storm of the 21st Century," Senator Santorum demonstrated that he understands, perhaps as well or better than any other prominent American politician, the challeges facing U.S. security. He pointed to the ominous alliance forming between Islamic Fascism, the rogue regimes in Iran and North Korea, and Western Hemisphere enemies of the United States, such as Cuba and the Hugo Chavez regime in Venezuela. He noted the increasingly mischievous role being played by Vladimir Putin of Russia. He cited the folly of the Iraq Study Group, whose policy recommendations would award and appease America's enemies at the expense of her friends. Free Republic has posted the entire speech. It is a stem winder, but every American should read it. One realizes what leadership has been lost, due to the foolishness of the Pennsylvania electorate. We may only hope that Rick Santorum, like Winston Churchill, will return from political exile to help his nation face the dire threats posed by her enemies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The twin demons of the media and the educationalist propaganda establishment have taken their toll and foiled the very heart of America - which was and has been for decades their goal. 

Posted by DL

Tuesday, December 12, 2006 1:32:00 AM  

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