Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Breaking News from Israel: Exit Polls Show Livni Winning Kadima Party Primary Election

According to exit polls, the members of Israel's Kadima Party have elected Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni to succeed Ehud Olmert as the head of the Kadima Party. If the polls are accurate, Livni has defeated Transportation Minister, and former Israeli Defense Forces Chief of Staff, Shaul Mofaz. If elected the head of her party, Ms. Livni would be given the opportunity to form a new government led by her Kadima Party. She would be the second female Prime Minister in Israeli history, after the legendary Gold Meir. If she fails to form a new government, new elections would be scheduled, and the interim government would be led by none other than the present Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, unless he resigns as a result of expected criminal indictments. What a country!


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