Friday, December 08, 2006

French Presidential Candidate Agrees with Hezbollah that U.S. is Insane and Israelis are Nazis

From the London Times online:

Ségolène Royal, the French presidential candidate, was embroiled in a damaging row on a visit to the Middle East yesterday [Dec. 3, 2006] after appearing to condone a Hezbollah MP who denounced US “insanity” and compared Israel to the Nazis.
Ms Royal, the first woman with a realistic chance of winning the French presidency, was struggling to extricate herself from the controversy sparked by a meeting in Beirut with MPs, including Ali Ammar of Hezbollah.
In a 20-minute tirade Mr Ammar attacked “unlimited American insanity” for sending troops into Afghanistan and Iraq. He then said that Israeli “Nazism” was no better than Hitler’s Third Reich.
Ms Royal, who is on her first overseas trip since winning the Socialist Party primary, replied: “Thank you for being so frank. I agree with a lot of the things you have said, notably your analysis of the US.”

Dry Bones responded to Royal's affronts to the United States and Israel by pulling up from his archives this gem from October 1996. How do you say, "The more things change, the more they stay the same," in French?


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