The Hedgehog Blog
Political and social observations from two aspiring hedgehogs who love the Isaiah Berlin essay.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Terrorist Bomb Plot Foiled. Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you, Homeland Security

When President Obama was elected, the Hedgehog Blog pledged to give the new administration credit where credit is due. In this case, that sentiment is heightened by the fact that my daughter is a member of a synagogue in Chicago. There are of course many synagogues in Chicago, and the Department of Homeland Security has not released the names of the synagogues to which the intercepted explosive packages were addressed. However, I am mindful of the fact that Rahm Emanuel, the former White House Chief of Staff and present candidate for Mayor of Chicago, attended my daughter's synagogue prior to the 2008 election, and may be planning on resuming his attendance there now that he has returned to Chicago. It certainly is not out of the question that our nation's enemies were aware of this as well.
And so, as a grateful American, as well as a grateful father, to President Obama, to the Department of Homeland Security, to the intelligence agencies of the United States and her allies, I express my sincere and wholehearted thanks and extend my hearty congratulations on a job well done.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
LATMA Paradies Western Media Staging of Silwan "Riot"
This video requires some introduction. Recently, Western and Arab media filmed yet another outrage by the evil Israelis. A gang of teenage Arabs, protesting Jews moving into the Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, threw stones at passing cars. One of them is hit by a target vehicle, which speeds away. However, as demonstrated by HonestReporting, the incident was almost certainly cooperatively staged between the Arab rioters and Western and Arab journalists, since AFP/Getty, the Associated Press, the European PressPhoto Agency and Al Jazeera, among other news agencies, were all in place, each with a unique camera position, before the stone-throwing began. This is another example of what has been called "Pallywood"--the staging by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas of anti-Israel propaganda events, suitable for consumption by Western audiences.
The Israeli right-wing comedy group LATMA parodies the incident in a mock interview with a fictional Western mainstream media journalist. READER WARNING:The English subtitles translating the Hebrew text contain a profanity, for which I apologize.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Are you opposed to President Obama's agenda, or simply afraid?
Tom Maguire has the details: