Friday, March 19, 2010

Is the White House Sending Healthcare Propaganda to Federal Employees?

This CBSNews Opinion piece by Richard Grenell is picking up momentum. A few paragraphs:
The White House Office of Health Reform Director Nancy-Ann DeParle has been feverishly sending out unsolicited email messages to federal employees in an effort to build support for President Barack Obama’s health reform package over the last several weeks.

DeParle’s unsolicited emails have been regularly coming to some federal employees’ official government email inboxes for weeks without permission or request, causing some federal employees to feel threatened by the overt political language.

The Department of State employees, who receive hundreds of official government emails every day, have complained about the annoying and partisan emails but are nervous to go public for fear of retribution. The emails are addressed to the federal employees by name and use the official .gov address.
This is no mere rumor. Grenell is a serious person, having served as the spokesman for the last four U.S. Ambassadors to the United Nations: Zalmay Khalilzad, John Bolton, John Danforth and John Negroponte. Imagine what we'd be seeing if a G.W. Bush aide had done something like this.

Instapundit has picked this up, and so has JammyWearingFool, with additional commentary.


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