Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, World! May You Be Written and Sealed for a Good Year!

Rosh HaShonah, the Festival of the Shofar, which begins Monday evening, is the birthday of the world. It is also the day on which all of humanity passes before God like the sheep of a flock that pass under the staff of the shepherd who counts them, one by one. "On Rosh HaShonah it is written and on Yom Kippur it is sealed." Truly days of awe, yomei noraim, as they are called in Hebrew. The Kosher Hedgehog wishes for the Hedgehog, and his family and friends, and my family and friends, and all of our readers, and their family and friends, that they all be written and sealed for a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!
[Art credit: Joƫlle Dautricourt The Hebrew letters around the border translate, "May you be written for a good year." The large Hebrew letters in the middle translate, "Today is the birthday of the world," from the Rosh HaShonah liturgy.]


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