Sunday, January 13, 2008

Romney Leading In Michigan! Or Is He?

Based on today's poll in the Detroit Free Press, Mitt Romney's strategy of cutting back on his advertising in Florida and South Carolina, and going all in for a win in Michigan, may be paying off. The poll gives Romney a 5% lead, 27% to 22%, over John McCain. (HT: Powerline.) However, a poll Saturday by Detroit News/WXYZ Action News showed McCain with 27 percent, Romney at 26 percent; and Huckabee at 19 percent. In point of fact, as shown by Real Clear Politics, the Michigan polls on the GOP Primary are all over the place, with one giving McCain a 7% lead over Romney, while another says Romney has an 8% lead over McCain. The RCP average of all polls would give Romney an almost meaningless 0.9% lead. In any event, since it is obvious that some of these polls are wildly inaccurate, why would one think that averaging them gives a more accurate picture? Romney partisans can only hope that his organization outdoes the McCain and Huckabee campaigns in getting the vote out on Tuesday, January 15.


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