Friday, June 23, 2006

Khobar Towers: What "No Stone Unturned" Means to Bill Clinton

Louis Freeh, FBI Director during the Clinton Administration, tells an astonishing and infuriating tale in today's Wall Street Journal. (Link requires subscription.) Find a way to read the entire piece. Here's an excerpt, in which former Director Freeh describes what happened when his investigators finally were able to interview the co-conspirators in the Khobar Towers bombing (interviews that occurred with no help from President Clinton or his administration):
Upon being advised that our investigation now had proof that Iran blew up Khobar Towers, Mr. Berger's astounding response was: "Who knows about this?" His next, and wrong, comment was: "That's just hearsay." When I explained that under the Rules of Federal Evidence the detainees' comments were indeed more than "hearsay," for the first time ever he became interested -- and alarmed -- about the case. But this interest translated into nothing more than Washington "damage control" meetings held out of the fear that Congress, and ordinary Americans, would find out that Iran murdered our soldiers. After those meetings, neither the president, nor anyone else in the administration, was heard from again about Khobar.
This is an amazing story and a real stain on the Clinton Administration.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a veteran, what really turns my stomach is the valuelessness of the service men who died in this event. The USS Cole's victims were similarly just numbers.

What else did Clinton and Berger cover up? 

Posted by red

Saturday, June 24, 2006 1:54:00 PM  

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