Friday, February 04, 2005

Worth 10,000 Words

. . . and almost 2 minutes of sustained applause.

From the Buffalo News:

The parents of Marine Corps Sgt. Byron Norwood said they did not know the Iraqi woman, Safia Taleb al-Suhail, was going to be there until she turned and introduced herself on their way in to hear the speech.

"She thanked us for our son's sacrifice and made sure we knew the people in Iraq were grateful for the sacrifices that were made not just by our son, but by all of them," Janet Norwood said Thursday.

"I just told her how happy we were that the elections were successful and told her our son would have been pleased," said Norwood, appearing on ABC's "Good Morning America" with her husband, Bill.

For more on this, go to John Podhoretz' column today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lowell, I listened to the SOTU on the radio. That moment is when I lost it! I literally burst into tears. I was in my truck parked outside a Mexican dive on Pico in West LA. I was suppossed to be in there at 6:30 to meet some friends, but couldn't pull myself away. I spent another 10 minutes collecting myself! I had know idea that the Norwoods and Mrs. al Suhail had embraced. I saw it on the news at 4:30AM the next morning before work and again burst into tears. What a powerful, powerful moment. Momentous stories converged in Iraq to bring these two families together at a State of the Union speech in Washington D.C., the thrown of Freedom in this world. Only a bitter and cynicle political party could rain on such an occassion and misinterpret the forces that made it blossom. Sounds like a post for Wagonboy's Garage -Wagonboy  

Posted by Wagonboy

Friday, February 04, 2005 4:22:00 PM  

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