Friday, January 08, 2010

Israeli Arab Team Recaptures Hummus Record

Operating out of the Israeli Arab town of Abu Ghosh, a team of Israeli Arab chefs has recaptured the Guinness Book of Records title for the world's biggest serving of hummus. Indeed, the Israeli team not only exceeded the mark set only three months ago by a Lebanese group; they smashed it like a hummus chickpea, more than doubling the previous record with a precisely measured total of 4,090 kilograms of the tasty paste.

Reports the Jerusalem Post, "Hundreds of jubilant Israelis, a mix of Arabs and Jews, gathered around the giant dish in the village of Abu Ghosh, many of them dancing as a singer performed an Arabic love song to the beige chickpea paste."

The driving force behind the Israeli record-breaking team, Israeli Arab restauranteur Jawdat Ibrahim, remarked, "Today we have the hummus. Hopefully, we will have the talks for peace in our region." The Kosher Hedgehog thinks that Mr. Ibrahim may be on to something. Secretary of State Clinton, perhaps the key to re-starting Israeli-Palestinian negotiations is an invitation to Bibi Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas to a table laden with hummus, tahina, pita and shwarma. [Photo: DailyMail online].


Anonymous Tech said...

That's a lot of hummus.

Friday, January 08, 2010 5:45:00 PM  

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